International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons

By Susan Smith

The Muslim Peace Fellowship is thrilled that the United Nations passed  the historic Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons on July 7, 2017. This legally binding instrument of International Law was approved by 122 UN Member States following global grassroots mobilization to pass it.

Thus far, 57 states have ratified the treaty, which makes illegal the development, testing and possession of nuclear weapons. As the Muslim Peace Fellowship is based in the United States, which possesses 7,000 out of 15,000 existent nuclear weapons, we urge our elected officials present and future to join this movement for the peace and security of all people and the planet.

The following countries possess nuclear weapons and did not sign the treaty: United States, Russia, China, India, Israel, France, North Korea, Pakistan and the United Kingdom.

There is also a campaign underway to stop the production and use of killer robots and other lethal autonomous weapons systems. For more information, visit:

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